✅One of the best products for all car enthusiasts who are looking for an easy way to cover up any color damage. Or make their car look fancy, for that matter! A waterproof Tire Paint Pen can do it all!!!?
✅Fixing any scratches can be pricey but there is an easier way to do it in your garage, completely by yourself. This Paint pen is water-resistant, odor-free, non-toxic, and durable. You can choose from 10 different colors and you'll find your color easily.?
✅It is suitable for any type of tire, whether it is a motorcycle, a car, a bicycle or a children's bicycle, or even a toy car.
How to USE
✅This product is so easy to use. Remove the plug, shake the pan and press it against the scratch, until the color comes out. Now you can cover the scratches, or draw something to have unique car tires as no one else does!?